

Proactive Vs Reactive Health And Safety Management image

20th October, 2021 - Management

Proactive Vs Reactive Health And Safety Management

Is your health and safety management mostly proactive or reactive? Which one you focus on could have a big impact on your safety culture, and your bottom line. But what's the difference between proactive and reactive safety? Should you use one, the other, or both? Let's take a look!

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'So Far As Is Reasonably Practicable' Meaning Explained For Health And Safety image

30th September, 2021 - Management

'So Far As Is Reasonably Practicable' Meaning Explained For Health And Safety

So far as is reasonably practicable is a term that comes up a lot in health and safety. But what does it mean? How do you decide if something is reasonably practicable? And how does the law define it? Let's look in detail at the health and safety phrase 'So far as is reasonably practicable'.

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Does My Business Need First Aid Training? image

8th September, 2021 - Management

Does My Business Need First Aid Training?

Every business should have suitable levels of first aid cover. In an emergency medical situation, the delivery of first aid could quite literally be the difference between life and death. If an accident happened in your workplace, who would know what to do and how to help?

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RIDDOR Explained - Quick Facts And Simple Stats image

2nd September, 2021 - Management

RIDDOR Explained - Quick Facts And Simple Stats

What is RIDDOR? Find out with these quick facts and simple stats. We'll explain what RIDDOR is, what you need to do, and when. RIDDOR stands for the Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations and applies to workplaces of all sizes across the UK.

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Is Health And Safety Training A Legal Requirement? image

25th August, 2021 - Management

Is Health And Safety Training A Legal Requirement?

For all business types, health and safety training will be a legal requirement in one form or another. Your team might need external training courses, qualifications and certificates. They may need in-house inductions, on the job training and toolbox talks. Often, a mixture of both is required.

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Health And Safety: The Principles Of Prevention image

28th July, 2021 - Management

Health And Safety: The Principles Of Prevention

The principles of prevention are a series of rules, in order, that form a best practice approach to risk management. The principles go from most effective to least effective. The most effective option is to avoid risk. When you can't avoid risk, the other principles of prevention should be applied.

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10 Reasons Why You Can Achieve Zero Harm image

1st June, 2021 - Management

10 Reasons Why You Can Achieve Zero Harm

Zero harm can never be achieved at work. It is unrealistic, practically impossible, and meaningless. These are all arguments against zero harm, and there are many (including health and safety professionals) who agree with them. So, is zero harm just setting ourselves up for failure?

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The Power Of Good Habits In Health And Safety (And Life) image

12th May, 2021 - Management

The Power Of Good Habits In Health And Safety (And Life)

What are habits? Actions we often take, things we repeat, steps we make without thinking. Good habits help us grow. Small regular acts add up to massive changes in long-term results. And we can use this power to achieve things at home, at work, and even in health and safety.

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HSE Fee For Intervention Charges Explained image

18th February, 2021 - Management

HSE Fee For Intervention Charges Explained

FFI stands for 'fee for intervention' was introduced under the Health and Safety (Fees) Regulations 2012. FFI aims to recover the HSE's related costs, including inspection, investigation and taking enforcement action, charging businesses that are in breach of health and safety regulations.

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No Injuries, No Health And Safety Problems!? image

16th February, 2021 - Management

No Injuries, No Health And Safety Problems!?

It's been over a year since the last injury in your workplace. But just because you haven't had any accidents, doesn't mean you are safe or that your health and safety performance is good. Your accident reporting system might just be hiding the truth. No injuries, no problems!? Don't count on it.

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Lone Working Hazards And How To Reduce The Risk image

2nd December, 2020 - Management

Lone Working Hazards And How To Reduce The Risk

There are no legal restrictions preventing people from working alone, and sometimes it can't be avoided. However, there are additional hazards and risks involved that need to be considered when planning lone work. Let's look at what to consider and how to reduce the risk.

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7 Quick And Easy Working From Home Health And Safety Tips image

10th November, 2020 - Management

7 Quick And Easy Working From Home Health And Safety Tips

More of us are home working than ever this year. For some, it might be temporary. For others, it may be a more permanent arrangement. Either way, it's important to look after our mental and physical health, and our safety, when working from home. Here are 7 quick and easy health and safety tips.

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