Training Plan

Unlimited access to online health and safety training courses.

Get all our courses, and create your own with ready-to-use templates. Unlimited access to health and safety elearning, assessments, results, and certificates. Created by H&S experts based on UK Regulations.

Health and Safety Courses

Health and safety courses when you need them. You get access to every health and safety course we have available, and every new one we add.

  • Asbestos Awareness
  • CDM 2015 Awareness
  • Construction Safety
  • COSHH Awareness
  • DSE Display Screen Equipment
  • Fire Safety
  • First Aid Appointed Person
  • First Aid Awareness
  • HAVS Awareness
  • Ladder Safety
  • Manual Handling
  • Risk Assessment
  • Working at Height
  • Construction Induction
  • New Job Induction
  • Office Induction
Asbestos Awareness course icon Construction Safety course icon Manual Handling course icon


Learn something knew, or refresh your knowledge, with access to every health and safety course.

Get access to all of our courses, so you can take one, or take them all, whenever you need to.

haspod training courses


Use our easy online editor to create inductions and custom health and safety courses for your team.

Get started quickly with a course template, or start from scratch and create something unique.

haspod training create course


Take courses at your own pace, every lesson you complete is saved so you can see your progress.

Don't have time to complete the entire course in one go? No problem, take your time. Your progress will be saved for up to a year!

haspod training progress


When you finish the course, take the end of course test to check your understanding.

Multiple choice quizzes during the course give you plenty of practice to ensure you feel confident and ready for the test.

haspod training test quiz


See your results and download a certificate as a record of each course you pass. Well done!

Your results will be saved on your account. With membership, you can retake the course to improve your score.

haspod training courses

Training Plan Features

All courses

Get access to every health and safety course, including any new ones we add.

Create courses

Create your own health and safety courses and inductions, with ready-to-use templates.

Certificate download

Download your certificate when you pass the course, available from your account.

Results storage

Your results are saved on your account, so you know what's been completed and when.

Team results

Team managers and admins have access to all team results and certificates.

Unlimited access

No restrictions on how many courses you can complete, or when you can access.