14th October, 2020 - Management
In the UK someone is killed at work almost every working day, and hundreds of thousands of workers injured each year. The cost isn't always obvious. Many of the costs are hidden and the direct costs are just the tip of the iceberg. In this post, we will look at the hidden cost of accidents at work.
Read Post8th October, 2020 - CDM
Any construction project with more than one contractor needs a principal contractor appointing under CDM. There should only be one principal contractor on a project. But what if your site has multiple projects? Can you appoint more than one principal contractor? Let's see what the regulations say.
Read Post6th October, 2020 - Toolbox Talks
Toolbox talks can be interesting if you pick the right topics, the right delivery, and you give the right information. In this blog post, we look at 9 ways to make sure your safety talks succeed, from choosing your subject to perfecting your delivery on site.
Read Post24th September, 2020 - Management
Software helps us in many aspects of our lives. In the office, computers are getting more powerful each year. Out on site, many of us carry around smartphones and tablets. We're better connected with more online tools to choose from than ever before. Let's use software to improve health and safety.
Read Post22nd September, 2020 - Construction
All work at height is dangerous, even if a job only takes a few minutes, and a fall from any height can be serious, and even fatal. In this post, we will discuss the definition of working at height, the regulations and the minimum heights to consider. Let's get safety right when working at height.
Read Post10th September, 2020 - CDM
The health and safety file is an important document required by the CDM regulations. Information for the health and safety file is gathered off all CDM duty holders, and it's important everyone understands what should be included. Here's a list of contents for the CDM health and safety file.
Read Post8th September, 2020 - Management
Health and safety sometimes gets a bad name. It seems like more and more strict rules are put in place each year. But is this the truth, or are these health and safety myths? In this blog post, we take a look at some health and safety headlines and try to separate fact from fiction.
Read Post27th August, 2020 - Construction
Don't think you have the budget or resources to improve health and safety on your construction site? Think again! The good news is many health and safety measures can be implemented for free (or low cost). In this post, we will give you 11 free ways you can create a safer site.
Read Post25th August, 2020 - CDM
CDM 2015 gives clients a number of responsibilities or duties. These legal CDM requirements must be completed by clients on every construction project, of any size and any duration. In this post, we summarise CDM client duties and find out what these responsibilities are, and why clients have them.
Read Post11th August, 2020 - CDM
The CDM Regulations don't just apply to contractors and construction workers on sites, but to the whole project team. Clients, designers and contractors all have duties under CDM, at all stages of the project. From pre-construction, through to the construction, project completion and beyond.
Read Post30th July, 2020 - CDM
Nearly everyone involved in construction has duties under CDM, including designers. And that doesn't just mean the architect. Anyone who prepares or modifies a design for construction is a designer under CDM. In this blog post, we take a look at the 4 CDM duties of a designer.
Read Post28th July, 2020 - CDM
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) apply to all construction work, but who is responsible for complying with these regulations? Every construction project, no matter how big or small, short or long, needs to comply with CDM, and CDM applies to everyone involved.
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