29th March, 2023 - Construction
The law requires you to prevent danger to people from excavations. This includes inspecting excavations to make sure they are safe. But who should inspect your excavations, and when do they need to be inspected?
Read Post23rd March, 2023 - Construction
If an excavation is under 1.2m in depth does it need supporting? What are the requirements? In this blog post, we look at the 1.2m rule, how it came about, and if it still applies today. Excavations of any depth are at risk of collapse if they are unsupported.
Read Post21st March, 2023 - Toolbox Talks
There is no legal requirement to carry toolbox talks out daily, so don’t panic if you’re not that frequent with them yet. But there are many reasons why daily toolbox talks are better for your business, health, safety, and your team. In this post, we look at 9 reasons to have daily talks.
Read Post15th March, 2023 - Paperwork
RIDDOR stands for the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations. RIDDOR places duties on employers, self-employed and people in control of work premises. Let's take a look at those duties, and what it means for your business.
Read Post9th March, 2023 - Management
How should you reduce risk? One of the best ways to assess existing controls and identify new control measures is to consider how effective they are - based on the hierarchy of risk control. In this blog post, we will look at the full list of controls, and how to apply them to your work activities.
Read Post7th March, 2023 - Management
PUWER stands for the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations. The regulations require that equipment is safe, suitable, maintained, inspected and installed correctly. PUWER also requires that equipment is used only by competent people when it is safe to do so.
Read Post1st March, 2023 - Manual Handling
Manual handling is more than just what you lift and carry. It's also who, how, and where. In this blog post, we look at the four key areas of manual handling, and how you can assess and control the risks involved.
Read Post23rd February, 2023 - Construction
Used right, ladders are not particularly dangerous. But, ladders are involved in over a quarter of all falls from height, causing serious and sometimes fatal injuries. Our 10 rules of ladder safety will help you use ladders correctly, to help prevent you from getting hurt.
Read Post21st February, 2023 - Paperwork
A health and safety can be described as the health and safety plan of action for a business. It lets people, like employees, clients and others associated with the business, know your health and safety aims and arrangements. It shows your commitment to health and safety.
Read Post15th February, 2023 - Construction
There's a lot to remember when you set up your construction site office. What documents do you need? Which paperwork should be completed? What needs to be displayed? Site set-up is a busy time for your construction project - this list will help make sure there is nothing you forget!
Read Post9th February, 2023 - Management
When we aim to reduce risk, the obvious target is zero. Ideally, we would eliminate the hazards and get rid of the risk. If we can create a risk-free environment in the workplace, we know everyone will be safe and go home healthy. But can risk ever be zero?
Read Post7th February, 2023 - Management
The main focus of risk assessment is to control the risks in your work activities. But even after you have put health and safety controls in place, residual risk is the remaining risk - and there will always be some remaining risks. So what should you do about residual risk?
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