11th July, 2023 - Management
When you work alone, by yourself, it's called lone working. And often it's safe to work alone. In this blog post, we will discover what counts as lone working, look at some examples, and see what the law says about it.
Read Post5th July, 2023 - Management
When you work alone, you have less help and support, and you can be more vulnerable if things go wrong. If you plan on working alone or have lone workers on your team, follow these 13 tips to stay safe.
Read Post29th June, 2023 - Management
What is the difference between a hazard and a risk? If you carry out a risk assessment, you need to identify the hazards before you can assess the risks. But these two terms are often confused with each other. In this blog post, we explain the difference between hazard and risk.
Read Post27th June, 2023 - Management
In health and safety, every other sentence seems to contain an acronym or abbreviation. Some words and phrases are just easier to remember if you shorten them down to a few letters. But if you're lost in the lingo when asked for your RAMS on the ACM's required in the CDM CPP, this guide will help.
Read Post13th June, 2023 - Management
The first step of a risk assessment is to identify hazards. But it's not always that easy to do. Some hazards might stand out and be fairly obvious. Others might be harder to spot. And it's easy to overlook some hazards when you have been carrying out an activity for a while.
Read Post1st June, 2023 - Management
Near misses (or close calls) are events that didn't harm anyone - but could have. They are not accidents, but they could have been accidents if the circumstances had been slightly different. Near misses happen more often than you might think because they are easy to forget.
Read Post16th May, 2023 - Management
Do employees have health and safety responsibilities? In a word. Yes. Employees do have legal health and safety responsibilities. Not to the same extent or level as employers, but duties nonetheless. So how can employees make sure they meet these legal requirements? Let's take a look.
Read Post18th April, 2023 - Management
If you're worried about something, it helps to speak up. Reporting your concerns means they can be addressed. Problems can be fixed. Accidents can be avoided. But how should you report your concerns, and who should you report them to? Let's look at ways to report health and safety issues.
Read Post12th April, 2023 - Management
The competent person isn't someone employers can hand over all their health and safety responsibilities to. But it is someone who can assist and advise. In this post, we discuss this role, including the meaning, definition and legal requirements of the health and safety competent person.
Read Post9th March, 2023 - Management
How should you reduce risk? One of the best ways to assess existing controls and identify new control measures is to consider how effective they are - based on the hierarchy of risk control. In this blog post, we will look at the full list of controls, and how to apply them to your work activities.
Read Post7th March, 2023 - Management
PUWER stands for the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations. The regulations require that equipment is safe, suitable, maintained, inspected and installed correctly. PUWER also requires that equipment is used only by competent people when it is safe to do so.
Read Post9th February, 2023 - Management
When we aim to reduce risk, the obvious target is zero. Ideally, we would eliminate the hazards and get rid of the risk. If we can create a risk-free environment in the workplace, we know everyone will be safe and go home healthy. But can risk ever be zero?
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