14th November, 2024

Employing Young Workers And How To Keep Them Safe

A young worker is anyone under the age of 18 in the workplace. Young workers may be involved in your business as an employee, for work experience or as an apprentice. And there's no reason why young workers can't be employed, but there are extra things to think about to keep them safe.

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People under 18 in the workplace are classed as young workers. Young workers might be in the workplace for several reasons, for example:

There's no reason why young workers can't be employed and be a great asset to your team. But there are a few extra things to think about to keep them safe.

Employing young workers? The young person risk assessment template can help you keep them safe and comply with your responsibilities.

Young workers have the same rights as any other employee. Employers owe their employees, from the youngest to the oldest, a duty of care.

No one should be hurt at work.

Employers have legal responsibilities to make sure they keep all staff and anyone else who may be affected by their work activities, safe from harm - so far as is reasonably practicable.

But there are some extra legal responsibilities when it comes to young people at work.

The hazards a young person is facing in your workplace might be the same as everyone else. So why should they be treated any differently? Well, it mostly comes down to 3 factors:

Lack of experience

Young workers will probably have less experience than older workers.

This could be the young person's first time in the workplace, particularly for school leavers, or those on work experience placements.

The first time you do something, you're not always that good at it. Practice makes perfect, and you get better with experience. One day your young worker will have more experience, but everyone has to start somewhere.

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Lower maturity

Young workers might be less mature than older workers.

People tend to mature as they get older. Not always. But especially for young people at work, they may be more vulnerable to peer pressure and unsafe behaviours. Because they simply don't know any better, and they want to try and fit in.

Unaware of dangers

The rest of your team might have years of training, experience and exposure to their work environment. The job they do has become second nature.

Just because someone has finished school, doesn't mean they have finished learning. A young person may not have an awareness of the hazards and risks they will be exposed to at work.

So when you're introducing a young person to a workplace, remember to look at it with fresh eyes. What might seem obvious to you and the rest of your team, might not be so clear to someone who has never been in this type of environment before.

Use the young person toolbox talk to raise awareness of the young workers rules in your workplace.

Remember we said that young workers have the same rights as any other employee? They do, but they also have some extra requirements. There are no specific regulations for young workers, but they do get a special mention in the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations:

  1. An employer shall not employ a young person unless he has, in relation to risks to the health and safety of young persons, made or reviewed [a risk] assessment...
  2. In making or reviewing the assessment, an employer who employs or is to employ a young person shall take particular account of—
    1. the inexperience, lack of awareness of risks and immaturity of young persons;
    2. the fitting-out and layout of the workplace and the workstation;
    3. the nature, degree and duration of exposure to physical, biological and chemical agents;
    4. the form, range, and use of work equipment and the way in which it is handled;
    5. the organisation of processes and activities;
    6. the extent of the health and safety training provided or to be provided to young persons; and
    7. risks from agents, processes and work listed in the Annex to Council Directive 94/33/EC(1) on the protection of young people at work.
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Risk assessment

It might seem like a lot of extra requirements, but of course, you are already managing risks in your workplace. Basically, the law says you need to assess the risks to young workers.

Remember step 2 of the 5 steps to risk assessment - decide who might be harmed and how. Might young workers be harmed? How could they be harmed?

worker tripping over

You might want to carry out a separate young person risk assessment. Or, you might not even need an additional risk assessment, particularly in a low-risk environment, like an office. But you should review your existing risk assessments, and take into account the risk factors for young people.

Remember to consider "the inexperience, lack of awareness of risks and immaturity of young persons". It's a legal requirement.

And what about high-risk work? Like a construction site, workshop, warehouse or factory? Well, since the risks are greater, so are the consequences if things go wrong. This doesn't mean that young workers can't be employed, but it does mean the hazards must be carefully controlled.

You may, particularly for higher-risk environments, need to consider specific factors that must be managed for young people, including exposure to radiation, noise and vibration, toxic substances, or extreme temperatures.

But don't treat all young workers the same. People mature at different rates. For one young person, this may be their first experience of a workplace, but another may have worked before.

worker strimming grass

Control measures for young workers

When assessing risk to a young person, consider if they have any additional needs, and what their level of maturity and understanding is. This will help you to decide what steps to put in place to keep them safe.

The control measures to ensure young persons are kept safe might include:

Young workers are still growing and developing, in body and mind. Some work may not be suitable for a young person, particularly if it involves activities beyond their physical capabilities. Or even beyond their psychological capabilities.

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For example, it may not be safe for a young person to work alone. Their lack of experience and awareness could put them in harm's way. They won't have anyone there to help and guide them or check they are following the correct procedures.

And young workers might not know when to reach out for help.

Some of your work might involve age restrictions, like operating certain equipment and machinery. Or work involving radiation or harmful toxic substances where exposure levels need to stay within legal limits.

But, in many cases, young people are not at any greater risk from hazards in the workplace than adults. And you will probably have most of the necessary controls in place already, within your current risk assessment and management processes.

For young workers, you might need to be extra thorough in making them aware of the dangers, and experience will come with time.

Always assess the work first. Check what changes need to be made for younger workers. And proceed only if it is safe to do so, with any additional control measures in place.

Check out the young persons risk assessment template to get started keeping young workers safe.

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This article was written by Emma at HASpod. Emma has over 10 years experience in health and safety and BSc (Hons) Construction Management. She is NEBOSH qualified and Tech IOSH.

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